THE CODE WORD…..PHPXml ||a documentery by koyel banerjee

September 8, 2009

IMAGINE CUP SERVEY…the X-perience factor :)

Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 3:16 am

To be specific it was good. A perfect amalgamation of  administrations( mentionably , the official rules,region/country specific rules for applications and competitons),detailed coverage of contest features (i came to know that the 1st round will be of quizzes…till upto january), then comes the imagine cup blog ( ).

However the most impressive step was the theme summarized better as “technology with a mission” or you may even feel easy with “technology with a vision” 🙂  anyways its not just about tryi ng to create new technologies from the existing ones or even absolutely new ones but the point is that to invent /create a technology that can be made efficient use of in the real world. personally , i welcome the idea with a warm heart. Some of the mentionable topic/issues that the imagine cup developers aim to tackle is well mentioned in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

 * Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty
*Achieve universal primary education 
*Promote gender equality and empower women
*Reduce child mortality 
*Improve maternal health
*Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 
*Ensure environmental sustainability 
*Develop a global partnership for development
imagine a world where technology help solve the toughest problem”.
i have my mind set on the software development program area and hope to find an effective solution to any problem however simple it may appear to. a small solution in the real world would be a huge step for me.a success story worth ,coupled with a good deed.NEVER BETTER.
very aptly said an application starts as an idea and ends up creating change all over the world.  

i am hoping to start competiting soon,cause the indian software competitons site is still under construction. 😦
lets hope to make an endeavour to save the world.our home.intellegent solutions are the keys. I would say a perfect union of the 3 e’s. ENTHUSIASM,ENDEAVOUR,ENTERPRISE.good luck IMAGINE CUP.

August 25, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 5:07 pm
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Hello everyone,

long time since updated this coloum.Nevermind this time i have certain upates on the project “Deploying Gitorious in fedora” mentored by Mbuf
(Shakthi Kannan).Well this work is a Ruby on rails project so i put my hands together to learn somebit on the topic,precisely ruby.Mbuf had earlier recommended me to go through RUBY ON RAILS by TIMOTHY FISHER.In his language its the best for any newcomer and truely i find it no less.Precise,yet clear.the best thing about ruby is that it is a purely object oriented language where you do not need to define the types of data you are inputing.It follows dynamic interpretation which the program gets compiled!the main requirements to get your machine run ruby is as follows:
1.ruby installation
2.rails framework
3.any database(preferably mysql)

well unlike other scripting language like php ruby doesn’t require any other servers and complex server configuration has got an inbulid server sytem called the QWebrick that works fine.The main use or advantage of ruby is better code readability.the following command sets must help installa successful working ruby system in your system.

yum install ruby —>this will load your system with ruby
yum install rubygems—->this will load the ruby gems including gems like rmagick
yum install rubygem-rails—–>this will install the rails framework in your system
yum install emacs—->this is a text editor which allows good code writing for ruby not that a text editor won’t work but this ones just better.if you want to go through its command set then you can have a peek in a cheat sheet which Mbuf created:

yum install mysql—>this installs the mysql such the project doesn’t require much of it but gitorious officially uses mysql.

Once you wriet a code you need to store it within a directory and you will be able to directly work the file from the console using
ruby .rb

in my case i created a ruby code inside my /media/disk-2/electronics/ruby on rails
the file was named rub1.rb.the code of rub1.rb is as follows:

class SimpleMaths
def add_numbers(a,b)
puts “you are adding two numbers is ruby”
puts a+b

the respective o/p as obtained from the terminal is as follows:

[koyel@localhost disk-2]$ cd /media/disk-1
[koyel@localhost disk-1]$ ls
bitdefender 2010
Electronic Arts
enlightenment of an ignorant.rtf
fort knox firewall manual.pdf
g data i security
if ms is the fairy whos the wand its win7.wmv
if ms is the fairy whos the wand its win7.wmv.tar
New Folder (2)
pana antivirus for win7
PowerDVD Ultra[9.0.1531][h33t][Dave3737]
System Volume Information
TT072 – Dealing With Odd Filenames.ogv
TT073 – Testing Your Mem With Memtest.ogv
TT074 – Be a Sudoer.ogv
TT075 – Webmin.ogv
TT076 – unix2dos.ogv
TT077 – whatis man.ogv
TT078 – What’s in a uname.ogv
TT079 – The Friendly Backslash.ogv
TT080 – pkill when killall isn’t enough.ogv
vista drivers
win 7 bluetooth
windows 7 ati driver.exe
[koyel@localhost disk-1]$ cd electronics
[koyel@localhost electronics]$ ls
ruby on rails
[koyel@localhost electronics]$ cd ruby on rails
bash: cd: ruby: No such file or directory
[koyel@localhost electronics]$ cd ruby\ on\ rails/
[koyel@localhost ruby on rails]$ ruby rub1.rb
you are adding two numbers is ruby
[koyel@localhost ruby on rails]$

The ruby on rails uses class which contains attributes and methods.however one must create an instance of an object which contains the method defined within the class.

like these two lines prefebrably numb = creats the instance while in the next line we specify the name of the method to be used.

till this folks,more updates to come soon so keep glued.


July 20, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 4:06 pm
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hello everyone,
i am trying to deploy gitorious in f10.I had gone through the google results and came on the hold that such an pursuit can be done with the help of a capfile in gitorious. such an thing is mentioned in the README file in the gitorious source code

however it is directed that such an attempted by using capistrano.
Capistrano brings deployment automation to Rails whether you’re working with a single server or on a cluster of dozens. It was extracted from the 37signals tool chain (like Rails) by core alumni Jamis Buck.

although the aletrnative can be done by some activemessaging agent like the activeMQ (which gitorious uses) along with the STOMP(stompserver)
apart from that the requirements to set up such a system can be summed as follows:
**ruby or ruby on rails working version 1.8/1.9 however 1.9 is recommended
** it must be ensured that your rails project must be using the database of your choice.
gitorious uses mysql however you may choose any DB of your choice since there are no mysql codes onboard gitorious.
**the other dependencies required are ImageMagick
**now for a few gems installation:(although i haven’t yet managed to install them successfully 😛 )
like the activeMQalong with the stompserver
**Rmagick which generates the non gravator avatars on gitorious

well next ceratain configurations are required to be done in the database.sample.yml file .
will keep updating more as i get to do more and more.


July 9, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 5:07 pm

another step ahead i guess.this is an account of my efforts during the past two days.
well no_mind asked me to go through php symfony and thats what i involved myself in during the last two seems that the symfony has quite a trusted number of members!

SYMFONY is a web application project for php.It mainly is used  for creation and web application maintainence with a flavour of just side stepping to overcone the mundane business of repeating codes. So i rather say its a differnt icing on your regular crispy cake!

well and all the ingridients you need in all the world is  1.a unix or windows system

2.a web server

3. and php of course!

with these symfony is easily installable  and is compatible with almost every data base.finally since it has a small overhead,thus its benifits are not eclipsed by the costs of hosting .since it doesn’t need one!:p.

well this is a php based framework and counts better than the zend framework of php.the symfony seems to have incorporated all those which made ruby on rails famous!mentionably mvc(model-view-controller)        and scaffolding.

further details about the mailing list and irc channels with the bug reported can be viewed in:

symfony 1.3 is the upcoming stable release preceede by symfony 1.0 and 1.2 in this arena.even the NetBeans team announced that the next version of their IDE (6.8) will have native support for symfony!

looks like it has got loads to give looking forward to my project with symfony.

once again kudos to the mentors on irc (kushaldas, mbuf,no_mind,mether tuxmanic and co) who are doing this great job of enlighting up ignorant minds.



July 6, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 3:51 pm
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well another step ahead.this time the php scripts are actually running.althought i had been very parasitic to zerocool(arun sag) for this still the effort and patience is worth the reward.afterinstalling apache,mysql and php i guessed i was ready to work with it.I was following a php manual by Matt Zandstra and it instructed to do certain modifications in the httpd.conf file to make apache server execute files with .php extensions.i though that is so easy!but i was so so wrong. It actually took me a good 2 days to achieve success with it.Still nevertheless to mention hadn’t zerocool been there to guide me god knows how much longer it would have taken.heres an account of the grim proceedings of the two days mentionably the 3rd,4th and finally 5th of july!

we came along together because i guess no_mind would be mentoring us both and we had this plan to team up for the we just relied on the mail google chat as a source to exchange instructions and commencements.i told him how i had tried to configure and yet the script did not give any output except a blank mozilla page!he let me certain instructions on about what to configure and where….i did the respective configurations namely to add

addtype application/x-httpd-php.php

after the line addtype application/x-gzip.gz.tgz

this was supposed to execute the files with .php executions via the zend engine so that the php scripts would get parsed!but alas the moment i tried to save the configured file i was denied access.the message said something alike that it was READ-ONLY for needed to become the root to change again armoured with his set of instructions and help from a

fedora website i changed or rather modified certain parts of the /pam.d/gdm file and now i was supposed to be able to resume my functions as the root .so i logged in as other and signed myself as the root with my root password.the taskbar flashed…WELCOME ROOT.mission i made the changes but again no this point of time i felt rather frustrated i felt this issue would never be resolved.but zerocool just laughed and said”we could solve the problem together”.i felt the urge to give a try again.this time maybe the main cause was detected.he happened to ask me where was the file i intend to run on apache i said in my disk.he said there lies the problem!”you have got to move it to /var/www/html/ to make it work.ANOTHER OF MY UTTER SILLY THOUGHTS.i confessed that i had no inkling that it had to be that way the manual mentioned nothing suchlike!how was i ever to know? i just thought it would be like an html file with only php scripts imbibed and i can save the file anywhere around the world and make it work when clicked on!like html does.i was ashamed but he was callous or overlooked taking pity on me , whichone i can’t say.nevertheless he never pressed the the command was written after i logged in as root in the gui

su –

this logged me as the root



TARGET                               DESTINATION

the output read you have a mail in /var/spool/mail/root

i reported.he said”i guessed we just copied that :p”

next was another setp to restart httpd to make the darn thing work.he explained even if logout the service keeps runs on daemon.real demonish i can say that!so again i typed the commands:

service httpd restrart

httpd started [ok]

huh.mission accomplished.i said”hurrah it worked”.next with loads of prayers on lips i clicked on : httpd://localhost/12.php

and my script ran :p

the program was :








the simplest of all php commands i daresay but i took so much to make it work.SO I DARESAY THIS DEFINITELY HAVE BEEN THE ENLIGHTENMENT OF AN IGNORANT.once again mbuf the briyiani part bestows itself.

July 1, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 4:47 pm
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well this is a documentation on the advances that i made these two days after deciding on a project.not exactly “a project” for the sense of the word but after i got the category of my project fixed.This is my 1st summer training with dgplug and i learn here loads daily.The irc sessions are really worth attending with experts advicing,guiding and teaching you!this training started on 25th of june at 1900 IST.well again a thanks to my friend ratna deep debnath for channelizing my energies and efforts into something so valuable and meaningful.

The 1st session got me introduced to the other trainees and the mentors present.each had to mention their name,place and domain of interest as their introduction.this session was conducted by mbuf.the 2nd class was also taken up by mbuf(Shakti Kannan)on the etiquettes of an trainee in an IRC session.well few people by this time had already started choosing and finalising the projects they were interested to work in.however being a newbie in such a savvy session i felt quite at sea.i thought i knew nothing much to choose atall a project!however on 1st july when i was hanging about #dgplug and people were off topic .kushal das happened to ask me about the project i was inetersted in pursuing.i was a fool to let down my spirits and exclaim that i was a novice and incapable of handling any developmental project maybe.The result was obvious i got thoroughly scroned by Mbuf and Kushal.these are the things they exactly said:

kushal> kopecks, you can gain that while working on a project
<mbuf> kopecks: idea of doing project is to gain the expertise;
<mbuf> kopecks: nobody has any expertise before doing a project; otherwise there is no fun in it;
<kushal> none of us had that from the time of birth
<kushal> kopecks, you work, you fail, you learn
<kushal> that is how we all learn new things

<mbuf> kopecks: if you expect to eat biriyani every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you will feel bored with it;

well thats how i learned that i am capable or atleast can groom up myself enough to do a project.IMPOSSIBLE IS A WORD FOUND IN A FOOL’S DICTIONARY.

while following the mailing list i came to know about Vivek Khurana(no_mind) who was to    mentor web based php projects. since i had already wanted to do such a work i seized my opportunity and mailed him back as to the eligibility required of the candidate.he replied that a good network connection as well as a latest linux version and th ecandidates willingness was enough i was ready for this job.

the following day i got up right in the morning i guess around 5:30 and clicked on to the internet. i realised my prime necessity was to install lamp in  my system.i went through hoards of websites giving accounts as to what lamp is ,its usability etc.

i got hold of several informmations like the combined usage of LINUX+APACHE+MY-SQL+PHP(PERL/PYTHON) is termed as lamp in a system.

i had been a complete fool to think i will be getting a software called lamp like i had owned a WAMP while attempting this work before.I stumbled across free downloads of lamp claiming to display a colorful lamp at my systems took me sometime before i laughed at my own thoughts!however frustrated ,without getting satisfactory resultsi went through score sof websites giving this instructions and that on how to install lamp on my system.i tried my hands at many but to no avail.NO AVAIL. i felt i could simply break my lappy with rage.however i wrote to my mentor no_mind.he asked me where i was getting stuck.i said the SElinux config part and he said first disable it and then proceed.still i wasn’t successful.what a pity!

on 1st july morning at about 7:00am i came back full with determinationto get the work done.

this day i came across a useful site: -php-lamp-server-configuration

this site was informative but not much.again i was a good old fool here to think  [reinch@introdesk ~]$…….had been a was embaressing.i tried this on my terminnal.command not identified was the output.took me some time to realise that [reinch@introdesk ~]$.

was the authors linux prompt!you people must be having a good laugh.never mind have your i again pinged my mentor and he let me have a unofficial fedora site which finally saved me.i’m going to put up the address in case many may find it useful:

no_mind said have you configured your yum ….i said no…….he said then nothing i suppose will work!so i  configured package installation.this site had been immensly helpful.

apart from that i asked no_mind :”how to chk the status of  my software eg:apache?”

he said: run rpm -qa httpd

i got the idea that you need to just type the name of the package which contains the software inplace of httpd in order to check its status.therefore after doing a walloping update and installing of about 26mbs i tried the command    rpm -qa mysql mysql-server  and i got the version number  5.2.0   next i  tried the same with php.i got the result as version 5.Well to be true i never knew all these commands before but i learned it in a i understand mbuf truely.the briyiani part .next i have started learning php programming.went through a tutorial and noe am going through program writing and types.

good to quote frost here:

and miles to go before i sleep”……..I guess i am going to make this php project work.heartiest thanks to mbuf,kushal das,mether,tuxmaniac,no_mind and co.

June 30, 2009

back on track with PHP5

Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 1:22 pm

it was just yesterday that i got my summer project finalised.vivek khurana nicknamed no_mind agreed to mentor me on this php project.i am really thrilled.well i already had started this project 2and a hlf mnths back with phpxml but somehow lost track and a bit screwed up.but finally i am back again and this time with a change of concept and better views i here you’ll be getting my daily updates on my work advances how i proceed or what exactly i think to do next.since this is my 1st technical blog with a project at hand any and every constructive criticism is people please feel free to comment and lend me more ideas if you wish to.your concern and advices worths to me in weights of gold..


April 16, 2009

personal profile

Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 4:39 pm

full name: koyel banerjee


Availability: I can devote complete 3 months to this project. I can
work 6 to 10 hours/day (42 to 70 hours/week) depending on the work
load. I do not have any other obligations this summer till now.just in case i may have a mini project of about a week.

brief bio: i am a second year undergraduate student from dr.b.c.roy engineering college,west bengal.i have experience of using wordpress for about an year and i have also sound knowledge of php,my sql and html.i have done or rather participated  in a web designing project along with a friend which gave me a very good exposure on php and html.i also have satisfactory understanding about the wordpress themes.

April 15, 2009

whats the phpxml?

Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 7:55 am

PHPxml is a php class for accessing xml documents through the powerful xpath language without requiring the dom xml extensions to be set up on your server.the script makes xp path avalaible everywhere,even on sites that do not have this extension avalaible.


Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 7:52 am

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to mobilize creative thoughts and it had very limited users.Since then wordpress emerged as one of the largest self-hosted blogging tool,used on hundreds and thousands of sites and seen by tens and millions of people everyday!Wordpress is an open source project.It means that one is free to use it for anything from the cat’s home page to a fortune5 website without having to pay any license fee!

personally speaking i have used several bloggging concerns like the MSDN,,blogger,Ibibo ,bigadda,wordpress but among all of them wordpress definitly stands out.Noticable are its attractive features which and infrastructures.Recntly developing the buddypress coupled with wordpress MU is a remarkable one.the several handy features to create several blogs with just one installation is a very useful feature. i also tried out .NET blogging applications like the .TEXT and the dasblog.WELL the former also has single click blog installation feature which i liked.But the very simple and humble reason to apply in your concern is i love blogging and want to get a better hold over its infrastructure and i love using wordpress.

moreover i took some time to go through the works of the wordpress developers likeMicheal Adams,Nikolay Bachiyski,Donncha o Caoimh,Austin Matzko etc.I am inspired.

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