THE CODE WORD…..PHPXml ||a documentery by koyel banerjee

July 20, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — kopecks89 @ 4:06 pm
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hello everyone,
i am trying to deploy gitorious in f10.I had gone through the google results and came on the hold that such an pursuit can be done with the help of a capfile in gitorious. such an thing is mentioned in the README file in the gitorious source code

however it is directed that such an attempted by using capistrano.
Capistrano brings deployment automation to Rails whether you’re working with a single server or on a cluster of dozens. It was extracted from the 37signals tool chain (like Rails) by core alumni Jamis Buck.

although the aletrnative can be done by some activemessaging agent like the activeMQ (which gitorious uses) along with the STOMP(stompserver)
apart from that the requirements to set up such a system can be summed as follows:
**ruby or ruby on rails working version 1.8/1.9 however 1.9 is recommended
** it must be ensured that your rails project must be using the database of your choice.
gitorious uses mysql however you may choose any DB of your choice since there are no mysql codes onboard gitorious.
**the other dependencies required are ImageMagick
**now for a few gems installation:(although i haven’t yet managed to install them successfully 😛 )
like the activeMQalong with the stompserver
**Rmagick which generates the non gravator avatars on gitorious

well next ceratain configurations are required to be done in the database.sample.yml file .
will keep updating more as i get to do more and more.


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